Many of you appreciated this wonderful idea of reaching out to those who need our help. God deserves the praise. He gave the burden to our hearts. But we couldn’t have done this without you. We all had a part in this wonderful event. Our success is your success for we did this together.
For those who gave their talents and time, we are grateful that you joined us in this endeavour. We appreciate all of you, who, through prayers and financial support, went with us from the start to finish.
When we started this, we had our faith amount. In our minds, it would be hard to reach. But God showed that He could work wonders. With joy, we share the good news… we achieved our faith goal!!! And a few friends are giving some more.
We believe that what we did last Sunday must not be its end. Investing in the future of human beings must be sustained. Twelve boys need to finish elementary and high school. All of them must learn a vocation. For our endeavours to be not in vain, we encourage you to spread the call: to reach out, right here, right now.
Continue what we started. Please send to your friends the video link of Children’s Garden ( Tell them to visit the website ( And most of all, pray that there would be more hearts like yours.
Jennifer and Clarizz
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You can also deposit your cash donations at:
Planters Bank, with account name: Children’s Garden of the Philippines
Savings Account No.: 167036937
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