The birds have departed the nest. But in this case, it was more like the nest left the birds. But then, the birds have been quite ready, for some time now, to survive on their own. It was just that life has been kind to them, allowing them to continue enjoying the shelter of the secure nest.
Nests themselves need a respite. Either to be refurbished again or to provide haven to previously attached birds. This time, it was both.
It is going to be an adventure for both. The nest and the birds became complacent in their situation. Who wouldn’t be? There is safety in the familiar.
New experiences await them both. The birds will someday go their separate ways and may create their own nests. The old nest will surely flourish on the new tree where it is mounted on. It needs to renew its connection with the previously attached bird. The latter needs to return back to the fold.
There is a Great hand in control. He holds the future of the nest and birds. He has good plans for them.
* Picture from Roy Toft, National Geographic
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